Saturday, August 2, 2008

Turkey Shoot 6

His head was pounding as he slowly opened his eyes, but quickly shut
them again because he was seeing bright colors. He waited a few
minutes before he slowly opened them again.

"Welcome back to the open world Peck."

Face didn't want to look towards the voice. His head was killing him
so he muttered, "thanks"

Miller walked over to him and bent down. Face noticed his legs were
shackled together; but his hands were free. Miller gave him a cup of

"Don't want you to be dying on me just yet. Peck"

Face only stared at the water. Miller stood back up. "I guess you
wonder how I know who you are."

"Not really " Face replied.

Miller suddenly grabbed Face and pulled him up on his feet. "Well I'm
going to tell you. I was in the army once; and I still get
information about The A-Team. I guess you want to know where we are.
Am I right boy?"

Face looked around and saw that he was in some kind of underground
tunnel or something; but he also noticed that most of it had been
destroyed by a blast of some kind

"I suppose it's something of the army's " Face answered

Miller stared at him, "You got no manners boy. The army used it
during the cold war. We wanted to make sure that we were ready when
the Russians attacked. This was used for making weapons. But then the
terror died down and army wanted to destroy this place." He stopped
to look at Face. "All of this would've been gone forever. I wouldn't
let that happen. So when our battalion leader told me, Juan Rodgers
and James Chance to stay behind and set up the explosives to destroy
this place forever, I couldn't. I waited 'til Rodgers and Chance set
one part to blow. Before they could get out I set the explosives to
blow, closing that part of the tunnel forever, and closing their fate
as well. "

He stopped again waiting for a reaction from Face but got
none. "Imagine my surprise when Chance showed up with his daughter. I
was so sure he died that day."

"So you decided to make sure this time?"

"Now boy. I'm telling you the same thing I've told the sheriff, me
and my sons had nothing to do with that."

He pushed Face back down on the ground. "I'll have Suzy bring you
some food; don't want you poorly when Decker comes and gets you."

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